爱宓凯(北京)国际商贸有限责任公司开业庆典暨Celergen喜瑞仕牌鱼蛋白鱼胶原蛋白软胶囊产品发布会圆满成功! 2023年10月12日上午10时13分,新加坡董事长李香莹女士及管理团队一行与中国区子公司···
“ I’ve lead a very hectic and non-stop life since I became Miss Universe in 1991. I live in one of the most complicated cities in the world, Mexico City, as a public figure and executive to one of the world’s biggest communications companies. I travel all the time and I’m always in interviews, meetings, and photo shoots. I’m also a mother, writer, and spokesperson for different causes. I take Celergen every day and start my day knowing that I am doing the best to take care of my health by staying strong, full of energy, and maintain a great attitude to continue my non-stop life. “
“ CELERGEN makes me feel young again. “
54岁, 英国伦敦
“ I am in my mid-fifties and am a busy art dealer based in Central London. I had heard of the benefits of Celergen from an American businesswoman and bought a one-month’s supply. It comes beautifully packed, has no aftertaste, and is easy to swallow. What can I say? It has become part of my morning routine. I can’t imagine being without it: my energy level is great, I wake more ready to face the daily challenges, and since taking Celergen, I feel that the arthritis in my thumb joints is less painful. I stand up most of the day for work and I feel that the blood flow to my legs is also better. Now I have more sensitivity in my legs and feet and no longer have dry skin around my ankles. My hairdresser also tells me that I have lots of new hair growth on my head. I have already recommended it to all my friends. “
“ I have been using Celergen for the past year. I feel it played a significant part in my fast recovery from a major surgery in June, 2011. Six months after my surgery, I was in sufficiently good shape to compete in the World Masters Body Building Championships in Spain where I represented South Africa. “
“ Besides my running activities, I also do mountaineering skiing and I expect the benefit of Celergen to take effect while I am in the French Alps. Celergen has also increased my intellectual productivity to work longer hours and have better quality sleep. “